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Dataset Generator

We recommend AI teams invest in curating a high-quality golden dataset (created by users, or domain experts) to properly evaluate and improve the LLM pipeline.

Every LLM application is different in functionalities and requirements, and the evaluation golden dataset should be diverse enough to capture different design requirements.

If you don’t have a golden dataset, you can use SimpleDatasetGenerator to create a “silver dataset” as a starting point, upon which you can modify and improve.

Relari offers more custom synthetic dataset generation / augmentation as a service. We have generated granular pipeline-level datasets for SEC Filing, Company Transcript, Coding Agents, Dynamic Tool Use, Enterprise Search, Sales Contracts, Company Wiki, Slack Conversation, Customer Support Tickets, Product Docs, etc. Contact us if you are interested.

Simple Dataset Generator

The SimpleDatasetGenerator loads indicies from a vector database (using the Langchain interface) and samples select vectors to create questions.

The follow 4 types of questions can be created:

  • Single-Hop Fact-Seeking Questions: An information seeking question, answer pair created based on a single chunk
  • Single-Hop Reasoning Questions: A Why / How question, answer pair created based on a single chunk
  • Multi-Hop Fact-Seeking Questions: An information seeking question, answer pair created based on two chunks
  • Multi-Hop Reasoning Questions: A Why / How question, answer pair created based on a two chunks

There are multiple filtering processes. If the LLM fails to generate a question, extract the relevant sentences from the contexts, or generate a reasonable answer, the generation will fail. The pipeline will try up to max_try_ratio for Multi-Hop questions and fill the gap with Single-Hop questions.

Example Usage

Below is an example of generating dataset

import datetime
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from time import perf_counter
import json
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from continuous_eval.data_downloader import example_data_downloader
from continuous_eval.generators import SimpleDatasetGenerator
from continuous_eval.llm_factory import LLMFactory
def main():
generator_llm = "gpt-4-0125-preview"
num_questions = 10
multi_hop_precentage = 0.2
max_try_ratio = 3
print(f"Generating a {num_questions}-questions dataset with {generator_llm}...")
db = example_data_downloader("graham_essays/small/chromadb", Path("temp"), force_download=False)
tic = perf_counter()
dataset_generator = SimpleDatasetGenerator(
dataset = dataset_generator.generate(
toc = perf_counter()
print(f"Finished generating dataset in {tic-toc:.2f}sec.")
current_datetime ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
output_directory = Path("generated_dataset")
output_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
fname = (
output_directory / f"G_{generator_llm}_Q_{num_questions}_MH%_{multi_hop_precentage}_{current_datetime}.jsonl"
print(f"Saving dataset to {fname}")
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
for item in dataset:
json_string = json.dumps(item)
file.write(json_string + '\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":