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Interpret evaluation results

Once you submit the experiments, you can view them in the UI in the Project > Experiments Tab.

Inspect individual data points

To get a detailed view of the metric scores for each data point, you can check the sidebar which provides a comprehensive breakdown.

Get detailed metric scores on the sidebarGet detailed metric scores on the sidebar
Get detailed metric scores on the sidebar

Many metrics contain reasoning in addition to scores. Leverage reasoning to understand why a module performed well or poorly.

For more granular insights, you can inspect specific sample outputs directly from the sidebar.

Inspect specific sample outputs on the sidebarInspect specific sample outputs on the sidebar
Inspect specific sample outputs on the sidebar

Sorting and filtering

You have the option to sort and filter experiments by various metadata, keywords, and metrics to streamline your analysis.

Sort and filter experiments by metadata, keywords, and metricsSort and filter experiments by metadata, keywords, and metrics
Sort and filter experiments by metadata, keywords, and metrics

As you apply filters, the aggregate results will dynamically update to reflect the changes.

Aggregate results changes as you apply filtersAggregate results changes as you apply filters
Aggregate results changes as you apply filters

Distribution Analysis

Analyzing the distribution of your experiments can provide insights into patterns and trends. You can plot bar charts to visualize the distribution of a single metric or scatter plots to compare two metrics.

Distribution analysisDistribution analysis
Distribution analysis