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Compare evaluation results

After running multiple experiments, you can compare their results to gain deeper actionable insights.

1. Select multiple experiments

Choose the experiments you want to compare. It is recommended to compare experiments run on the same datasets and evaluated using the same metrics.

Compare results from multiple experimentsCompare results from multiple experiments
Compare results from multiple experiments

2. Select multiple experiments

Select a summary metric (Mean, Median, Min, Max) and the specific metrics you want to analyze.

Create chart to compare results from multiple experimentsCreate chart to compare results from multiple experiments
Create chart to compare results from multiple experiments

3. Dashboard

Use the dashboard to holistically compare different experiments.


You can save and share the dashboard with your team but saving the URL (click Link to this Page on the top right).

Dashboard view to compare results from multiple experimentsDashboard view to compare results from multiple experiments
Dashboard view to compare results from multiple experiments