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SQL AST Similarity


SQL AST Similarity compares the structure of two SQL queries by analyzing their Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). This metric assesses similarity by matching the nodes within these trees, taking into account the statement types and their arrangement. Different types of tree differences (such as insert, remove, update, move, etc.) are weighted differently to calculate the final similarity score.

SQL AST Similarity=1Total Weight ChangesMaximum Possible Nodes\text{SQL AST Similarity} = 1 - \frac{\text{Total Weight Changes}}{\text{Maximum Possible Nodes}}

The metric depends on syntactically correct SQL queries to produce the Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). If the scripts contain syntax errors and cannot be parsed, the metric will yield a score of -1.0.

Example Usage

Required data items: answer, ground_truth_answers

res = client.metrics.compute(
"answer": "SELECT name, age FROM customers",
"ground_truth_answers": ["SELECT age, name FROM customers"],

Example Output

"SQL_AST_Similarity": 0.9375